Promises, promises. I'm so rubbish, I say I'm back on the blog and then I disappear from sight. The reason is my crazy workload at present but I'm making an extra special effort to blog this week!
I was feeling grumpy and annoyed that all my hard earned dollar was being spent on boring crap like bills so I bought some fab shoes to make me feel better. I think shoes should be on the NHS. I actually think I'm in love with shoes and in particular anything from the Kurt Geiger shop. Heaven. Here are the little beauties I picked up:

Love, love, love. I wore them on Friday night and admittedly, my poor feet were a tad, ok quite a lot, tired after a few hours but come on, they look good and that's totally all that matters. I meant to take a FOTN but we were in a rush and I only had 30 minutes to get ready. I'm actually shocked I managed it and I re-did all make-up! Anyway, these hotties are called Active by Carvela and they also do them in nude. Sooo have my eye on those too!
I also decided to finally re-purchase the best facial exfoliator I've ever used which is Dermalogica's Daily Microfoliant.

It's not a normal exfoliant as it comes as a dry powder which you mix with water to form a paste. You then gently massage this in, rinse and the result is baby smooth skin. I paid about £30 for 75g (from the Beauty Flash website) which will last a good 6 months.
As it's Mothering Sunday today, I decided to bake some girly cupcakes for my mum as she is a mahoosive fan of cake. And chocolate. And to be honest, most sweet treats.

I used the vanilla cupcake recipe from the Hummingbird Bakery's new book, Cake Days. This book is amazing. Every recipe works and as well as cupcakes, there are recipes for whoopie pies (yet to try), large cakes, biscuits and tray bakes. This book is literally a sugar addict's dream.
I have another busy week ahead but everyone needs a break so I intend to free my stress at lunchtime with some well overdue blogging.
I hope you're all fab,